Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Peach Float

My friend has a peach tree in her front yard and every summer we always look forward to its fruits. It never disappoints. It always gives sweet and delicious peaches year after year. My first share was more than two dozens!! Believe me the tree bears dozens of fruits, a lot has already fallen on the ground because it was too much. And my friend told me to please get the rest from her tree. So I went a few days ago, more fruits are already on the ground, but I was able to get at least a dozen.

My daughter loves peaches, and I thought of making peach float, a recipe similar to mango float or fruit float. My daughter loved it! She almost finished everything!! That's how good it was!!

Mango/fruit float is a Filipino dessert. It is sometimes called crema de fruta, mango royale or icebox cake. It consists of layers of graham crackers, fresh fruits and a combination of Nestle Cream and condensed milk. It is very easy to make. And a good dessert on this hot summer.

Below is the recipe for peach float


1       box         Honey Maid graham crackers
1       can          Nestle cream
1       can          condensed milk
8-10  pcs          peaches


1.  Skin and cut into cubes 6 pieces of peaches. Set aside.

2. For toppings, skin and cut into wedges the rest of the peaches

3.  Mix Nestle cream and 1/2 can of condensed milk.

4.  Pound one or two pieces of graham crackers into crumbs. Set aside

5. In a serving pan. Place graham crackers on the bottom.

6. Add in the cream/condensed milk mix.

7.  Add the cubed peaches.

8.  Make at least three layers. On the top layer, after adding the rest of the cream mix, sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs then arrange the peach wedges to make a nice decoration.

9.  Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.  Serve cold.

I made this dessert a few days ago and it was all gone, Time to make a new one because my daughter is requesting for more. But I will surprise her by making a few twists on the recipe. Care to guess? Send me a message!! I will be making the recipe today and will be posting the new recipe with a twist in a few days! In the meantime, enjoy your peach float!!

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