Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Adobong Pusit

I haven't posted in a while and there is no excuse. I set aside my love for writing and that is something I never thought I would do again. But anyway,  I'm back and that is all that matters.

Today , I went to a local market and found some squid on sale. It usually is very expensive so I'm quite surprised it was cheaper than usual. It's been months since I cooked this dish and I am excited to share the recipe with you. I usually make chicken adobo, but then I get tired of eating it all the time. So today when I saw the cheap frozen squid, I couldn't resist but buy it and make adobong pusit.

Adobo, as we all know, is a very popular authentic Filipino dish. It is one of the dishes shared with non-Filipinos and they all liked it. In fact, Giada de Laurentiis cooked chicken adobo in her show years ago. I liked her more after that. Different meat can be used for adobo. Pork, chicken, beef, squid and other seafood and even vegetables are made into adobo. It is a dish that can last for days. In fact, some people like their adobo a day after it was cooked.

Below is my version of adobong pusit. 


2         lbs         squid, cleaned
2         pcs        plum tomatoes, diced
1         pc         onion, chopped
2         cloves   garlic, minced
1/4     cup        soy sauce
1/4     cup        vinegar
1/2     cup        water
salt and pepper to taste


In a saucepan, sautè onion and garlic. When the onion is translucent and the garlic brown, add tomatoes.

Sautè for another 2 minutes. Add the squid. Cook for another 2 minutes.  

Add soy sauce, vinegar and water. Salt and pepper to taste.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until squid is tender.

Serve with rice.

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