Friday, July 15, 2016

Chicken Sopas (Chicken Noodle Soup)

Every time I think of comfort food, chicken sopas always comes to mind. What's more comforting than eating sopas for lunch or dinner? Or even merienda. It is so delicious and makes us feel better that is why this is the popular meal whenever we are sick. I remember cooking my first sopas when I was in 6th grade as part of my Home Economics subject. Back then, I knew how good the dish is.  And how easy it is to make.

In the Philippines, sopas is popular during cold rainy days. It is also the meal that is usually served during wake or funeral. I wonder why they always serve sopas and crackers on 'lamay'? Anyone?

Nowadays, whenever I have leftover roasted whole chicken, I would make it into sopas. That way it will be an entirely different dish and I won't get tired of eating the whole chicken. I would just shred the meat, add whatever vegetables I have in the fridge, add whatever pasta is in the pantry, a piece of chicken cubes or a can of chicken broth. That's it! Chicken sopas in under 30 minutes.

Sophie loves this soup and would always request for it. Sometimes she would eat two bowls of sopas in one seating. And would ask for another serving a few hours later. That's how much she loves it. Who wouldn't?

Here is the recipe for this simple meal.


1          cup             roasted chicken, shredded
1/2       lb                elbow macaroni, or spaghetti cut into small
2          pcs              carrots, cut into cubes
1          cup             green beans, cut into small pieces
1          pc                small onion, chopped
2          cloves         garlic, minced
2          tbsp             fish sauce
1          tsp               ground pepper
2          tbsp            vegetable oil
5          cups            water
1          pc                chicken cube
1/2      cup              2% milk


1.  Sauté garlic and onion in vegetable oil.

2.  Add the chicken, carrots and green beans. Cook for 5 minutes.

3.  Add the pasta, water, fish sauce, ground pepper and chicken cubes

4. Let boil and cook for 10 minutes.

5.  Add the 2% milk.

5. Serve while hot.

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